Thursday, January 29, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

back in the studio

I'm finally in my final semester, and have just stepped into my studio for the first time this semester. I had been seriously lacking in the inspiration department and didn't go to the studio once over break. Then I took the first week of school to plan and brainstorm. And today I worked. My show will consist of large scale objects typically associated with females that will play parts in movies. The first object I've started is a giant tube of lipstick that'll be about 3 feet tall.

I also had my day of lecture in history of fashion today, and it went by so fast! We're talking about principles of fashion, different reasons for dress and categories that different types of dress fit into. Having discussions and listening to Andrea (Varga - my teacher) talk is totally fueling my ideas and expanding my concepts. At the end of class we started talking abotu the third principle of fashion - seduction. I'm super excited to finish talking about that because a large part of my concept deals with the lure of these feminine objects and the roles that they play.

I'm really looking forward to this semester and seeing the evolution and project of my work. I'm curious to see how and if my work changes alongside this class and how learning about fashion throughout history will inform my subject matter.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

back to school

On Tuesday, Aretha Franklin sung "My Country Tis of Thee," at the Inauguration. I was totally inspired by her epic hat. I have recently developed a love for fashion and accessorizing and their sculptural nature. This hat on its own is a beautiful object, so elegant and bold. I'm fascinated by fashions ability to change peoples personalities, attitudes and motions.

This semester I'm taking a history of fashion class - I've been waiting about 2 years to take, but has happened to come at the perfect time. My thesis work has taken me to concepts of adornment, ornamentation and why objects of beauty make people feel the way they do. Being in this class will teach me various aspects of life that affect fashion, such as politics, culture, the economy, religion, etc.

Graduation is coming at a perfect time when I'm havin
g new ideas and discovering new interests and am ready to see whats out there. It's funny how random things can inspire you. I was totally inspired watching ricotta cheese being made from scratch on Iron Chef (I HATE cheese!), Aretha's hat inspired me to make a sculpture; Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots Are Made for Walking" inspired an idea for a video.